Expanding the Virtual Reality Experience

Case Study, Industry Insights and Trends


Virtual Reality can entertain us, connect us, and revolutionize our view of the world– but for how long? Typically, an attendee at a trade show or event will get to experience a brand’s virtual reality for just a few short minutes. Although they will probably be entertained and impressed with your brand, they can’t take this experience with them. Attendees might spread the word to a few of their friends and colleagues, but it all stops there. This year together with Interface, we came up with a solution–a way for attendees to literally take their Virtual Reality experience away with them and share that same experience with anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.

Interface has continually challenged EDE throughout our 20 year relationship. Often it is with challenging architectural elements, but this year the challenge brought to EDE was to create something immersive.  This immersive exerpeince would showcase the 4 pillars of Interface and how those pillars relate to Biophilic Design.*   Interface shared an idea they read about using Virtual Reality to bring people to places. Then our EDE team got to work.

Our first bit of research involved the Oculous Rift, and the Samsung Gear VR. We’ve seen and heard great things about both, but in terms of an experience that can live outside of the event, it wasn’t happening.  So we kept digging, until we stumbled upon Google Cardboard. We immediately downloaded the template and within 20 minutes we had a virtual reality device in our hands. Lightbulbs went off, and we had our attack plan. Open sourced and shareable on a number of levels. (<3 google)


The original cardboard box from Google’s Template


The EDE team presented our findings, along with our pizza box VR headset to Interface, and the Interface team fell in love. We would be charged, not only with the general contracting and full build out of 2 showroom spaces, but with the creation of an app, a Virtual Reality experience and a branded giveaway Cardboard packet to launch at Neocon 2015.


The Interface Giveaway at Neocon. (left non assembled, right assembled with inserted iphone)



Interface_tree wall

A full 360° Image of the Refuge Tree framed with an explanation of one of the 4 pillars of Biophillic Design (left). And the immersed 360° image (right).



Over the course of 6 weeks, EDE worked with the Interface team to create 21 – 360 degree spherical images to launch with the app. We then worked with our developer to turn that into a clean app, which would be easily downloaded through the App Store. And finally, we created a custom design for a Branded Cardboard Enclosure that would be given away at the show instead of a bag.  The final element was the viewfinder itself. EDE worked tirelessly to use the dimensions of the Google Cardboard box to create a custom designed and 3D printed Viewfinder to hang from 7 trellises within the two Interface showrooms.



3d Printed Viewfinder which was attached to Custom Built EDE Trellis Structure



The final result immersed attendees into the 4 pillars of Biophillic design and attendees understood how relevant Biophillic Design was to a workplace. 500+ Branded Cardboard Viewfinders were given out in 6 hours, and attendees can continue to share the Interface VR experience with others. The App will continue to be a staple at the remaining events throughout 2015, so look for it at a trade show near you.



Final Product showcasing 3 of the 4 Pillars, along with 1 VR viewer for each.


Viewfinder hanging from trellis in the Interface showroom


Download the app and experience it for yourself 

Interface App


**What is Biophilia is and Biophillic Design

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