After reading a recent blog post by Melissa Michel, I was reminded that everyone has to do something they have no interest in at some point in their professional lives. Whether it’s a job or project you never pictured yourself doing, living somewhere you don’t like or even working with someone you don’t like, it’s something everyone has and will struggle with. The key lies in how you deal with it.
If you never saw yourself coordinating an exhibit program and don’t plan to again in the future, that’s ok. Just look at those who do as models for getting the most out of exhibiting as possible. You don’t have to enjoy it— you only have to exhibit like you do.
Some trade show professionals have their responsibilities thrown at them as part of a marketing or sales career and some only exhibit because they (or their department head) think they have to. Those who want to be there often stand out from the rest on the show floor.
When we see an impressive exhibit at a trade show, we can safely assume that the manager worked with skilled designers and fabricators. We can also often assume that the marketer in charge has enthusiasm for their job. Everyone cares about ROI and how the brand is presented to expo attendees, but these professionals have an extra level of enthusiasm that transfers to the quality of their work. It translates to better designs, better planning, more creativity, and more impressed attendees.
Even if you can’t wait for your next career move or job assignment, there’s a lesson to learn here. Everyone knows the phrase “fake it ‘til you make it” and you already know you have to do the best you can to get anywhere. But until you plan a trade show exhibit that makes you glow with pride like a panel of LED lights, you’re not really making the most of exhibiting’s potential.