The Little Red Schoolhouse is a South Chicago historic landmark.
Thousands of visitors have made this a destination over the past 50 years. With the growth of environmental education, a new building was created to complement the main structure and EDE was proud to be chosen as the exhibit builder for the project!
The center offers an engaging way for children to learn about the animals and native plants of Chicago’s southwest suburbs.
The new nature center showcased an array of animals. We built museum cases for snakes, insects, birds and fish. All of the museum cases were incorporated into freestanding learning stations.
As you enter the new space, children walked up a ramp with a comprehensive timeline.
Teaching the children about the history from the big bang to the modern age. The ramp wall was designed with inlaid descriptive graphic panels, ancient fossils (including a 500-pound piece of limestone with an embedded fossils;) and life-sized cutouts illustrating the natural history of life from dinosaurs to humans.
The schoolhouse overlooks a lake. Upon reaching the base level, visitors were introduced to the natural environment surrounding the schoolhouse with fish tanks housing specimens of the lake’s aquatic life.
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